
I launched this blog almost a year ago. Even though I’ve been blogging for several years – one of my blogs ranked #1 at a blog network – it was always personal blogs rather than a blog that dealt with a theme and professional matters.

Who am I? My name is Udi. I’m a managing partner of a technology company I founded, U Labs).

This blog is my voice to the world. I discuss everything I find interesting, so be warned 🙂

A brief description of my background: I worked for several years as a technology and data science executive, including a big insurance company, large investment bank, a quickly growing fashion startup, a quickly growing food startup, a fintech startup and more. I have a Ph.D. in Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computation – both are sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence. To be more specific, my work focused on biologically inspired computing, in other words, artificial intelligence that’s based on biological principles. There are two blog posts about my work (if you’d like to hear more, just click on the ‘artificial intelligence’ tab above).